Monday 7 November 2011

Decoupage Chest of Drawers

Although this is not something I would normally purchase, I picked up this rather plain chest of drawers recently, and, of course, I set to work straight away to make it into something much more unique...see how plain ugly it was??

Luckily for me, it didn't need sanding as it was still in it's raw state...perhaps that's what convinced me to buy it ;-)

I did, however, give it a good clean up and then set to work with my trusty Taubman's primer.

I knew I wanted a fresh, light look, so I went ahead and used  my happy white to paint the body and top of the chest.

Then, I decided to break from the norm and paint the drawer fronts the palest of pinks.  No good.  So, I then painted them French grey.  No good.  So I painted them aqua.  No good.

I just didn't know where to go with this piece.  It was so plain, it needed something...

Ah-ha!  It needed some decoupage!

I picked out three dfferent styles of romantic-ish paper and set to work on four of the drawers, leaving the other two aqua and very distressed.

Check it!  The pink writing paper printed with "Troo-Luhv" toned down with some chintzy floral.

And the boring pine handles replaced with some rather exy ceramic ones....luuuuush! 

Much Better!

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